The key to a successful transformation is to have a good plan
Have you heard the project wisdom, “Tell me how a project starts and I’ll tell you how it ends?”
This is just a phrase, but there is a lot of truth in it.
A transformation is a highly complex project and requires detailed planning. It is better to invest a bit more time in planning and therefore execute the transformation in a more “painless” way. SaphirACon helps you to focus on the right topics with necessary required details during the planning phase.
For this purpose, a basic package has been put together that is essential for you as a top-manager in the planning phase.
You will be approached by many inquiries, and many decisions will have to be made:
As a top-manager, you will be asked to deal with the following topics (excerpt):
- Objective: The objective of the transformation plays a major role in the planning. Is it more of a technical transformation or more of a business-driven transformation? Depending on the composition, the approach and implementation varies.
- Decision: Many decisions have to be made – decisions that are directional for the transformation and can also cause a transformation to get into trouble later on if they have not been taken into account and made on the basis of correct background information.
- Resources: A large number of employees must be involved in the transformation. Often, these are your top employees who already perform many other activities and do not have sufficient capacity. Here, it may be necessary to reprioritize, to hire new employees and, if necessary, to distribute them to other areas of responsibility.
- Added value: Typically, a transformation should also deliver added value. In most cases, this can be expressed in measurable KPIs.
However, all KPIs cannot be optimized at once. This is where your input is required. Which KPIs are most important, what are the target values, etc.?
With the planning package, SaphirACon has set itself the goal of providing you with the best possible support, guidance and navigation.
This gives you the safety you need to steer the transformation in your company to success.
Timing and content of the basic planning package
For more information or an initial consultation, contact me!
- Phone: +49 (0) 7183 / 957 908 0
- Mobile: +49 (0) 162 / 981 03 94
- Email: andreas.krieg@saphiracon.biz
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